
Hello Writers and Illustrators! Welcome to Storybook Genius Publishing (SBG Publishing), where we’re looking for children’s illustrated books that expand minds, open hearts, and ignite curiosity.

SBG Publishing publishes over 30 new illustrated books for children each year, many of these are from established authors and illustrators. However, a big part of our mission is to publish writers whose voices haven’t been heard before. That’s why we’re accepting unsolicited and un-agented submissions. Thing is, we receive hundreds of submissions each month and can’t respond to everyone (and aren’t able to respond to requests for updates!). (If we did, we wouldn’t be able to actually publish any books!). So look, if you don’t hear back from us within twelve weeks, it just means that the work you submitted isn’t right for us at this time. However, feel free to submit other queries in the future. We apologize to all of you who aren’t getting a personal response, but please know we are looking at everything that comes in.

Important: In order to have your work considered for publishing, the author whose work is being submitted, must be at least 25 years old.


For publishing consideration with Storybook Genius Publishing, the following items must be included in your submissions email:

1) Manuscript for Consideration. A complete copy of your children's book manuscript in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format must be attached to your email. Most submissions are for children's books that have not been illustrated yet. If your children's book has already been illustrated and/or illustrations are in the works, a copy of the illustrations must be attached to your submission. All manuscripts and illustrations for book submissions must be attached to your submission email -- please do not send us links to shared web/cloud folders or your submission will not be reviewed.

2) Tell Us About Your Submission: Copy and paste the section below into your submission email and answer all sections. Your submission will not be considered unless all sections are completed.

Title of Story:
Word Count:
Target Age:
Subject or Theme of story (1-5 words):
Summary (3-5 sentences or less):
Inspiration for the Story:
How did you hear about Storybook Genius Publishing?:
Why are you a good fit for Storybook Genius Publishing?
Your Name:
Professional Bio (3-5 Sentences):
Where do you live (city, state, country)?:
Phone Number:
If you have a personal website, or Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account include links to them here:
If you have been published previously, list titles, publishers, and pub dates:
Anything else you’d like to tell us?:

3) Be Social and Connect: Let's face it, this is a connected world! Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and like our Facebook page so we can connect with you online. This is an important part of us getting to know you better as an author, and it gives us a sense of where you are at in the social media connectedness spectrum. Why is this important? An author's presence on social media can help them connect with readers and establish a sense of community (and ultimately sell more books). There is no magic formula or number of likes we are looking for on your social pages, but we do want to see your willingness to connect.

While we accept simultaneous submissions, in the interest of time we appreciate knowing that we are not the only publisher you’ve approached.

After making sure you have met the requirements in sections 1), 2), and 3) above your submission can be emailed to us at

Thank you for your interest in Storybook Genius Publishing!

Submissions Team @ SBG Publishing


Our books are aimed at children ages six months to young adults so choose your samples accordingly.

Illustrators may send links to online portfolios and/or links to Instagram portfolios to In the subject heading, include “Illustrator Submission.”